What Is Whitelisting A Site? Website Whitelisting

How Checkpoint Firewalls Work: Security Strategies

What Is Whitelisting A Site? Website Whitelisting

Every day, you make decisions about what to do. But often, without realizing it, there are other people making decisions for you. This is called “white-listing.” It’s a way only to allow the domains you want to visit through your firewall. This can be helpful if you have kids or are just looking for peace of mind that you’re not being tracked online.

What Is Whitelisting A Site?

Whitelisting a site means to approve whether the user can access a site or not. Network administrators use this tactic to pre-approve a list of websites that the end-user can not access. This is to prevent the network from getting attacked by malicious viruses or malware.

Why Should I Whitelist My Site?

There are several reasons to whitelist your site. If you have kids, you’ll be able to monitor their surfing habits and ensure they’re not filling out personal information on dangerous websites. It also helps if you want to protect your privacy while browsing the internet. Whitelisting a domain will allow only the sites you want to visit. This is useful because it can help block malicious advertising networks from tracking your web traffic, cookies, and browsing history.

How Do I Whitelist My Site?

1. Go to your computer’s settings and click on “Internet Options.”

2. Click “Privacy” at the top of the page, then go to “Advanced Settings.”

3. Scroll down until you see a section labeled “Custom Level,” where you can add domains that should be allowed through your firewall or blocked from entering it

4. For example, if you wanted to block Facebook but allow Google, type in facebook.com and google.com respectively into the boxes provided before clicking OK.

5. You will be asked if you want to change the settings, click yes, and you’re done! Now your firewall will only allow these approved domains through it.

6. Next time you visit facebook.com, it won’t let you in unless you uncheck “Block all cookies” or start up Internet Explorer in safe mode.

Reasons Why You Might Not Want To Whitelist A Site

There are several reasons why you might not want to whitelist your site.

  1. The first is that it may not be unblocking what you want. For example, if you only want to unblock Facebook but keep Google blocked, you’ll have to specify this in the “Custom Level” section manually.
  2. Another reason is that cookies will still be blocked. This means that every time you go onto the Facebook site, it will ask for access to cookies and other things on your computer, which might cause problems.
  3. The last reason I can think of is that if someone else has administrative rights, they will also have access to change these settings on their computer. Keep in mind that these changes are permanent and can be difficult to undo.

How Can Whitelisting Be Helpful?

With the help of white-listing, people with kids or those concerned about being tracked online can control internet access. You can ensure that they’re not filling out personal information on dangerous websites and prevent those malicious advertising networks from tracking your web traffic, cookies, and browsing history.

In addition to this, you can now monitor their surfing habits to make sure that they’re not going on any sites that you disagree with.

However, it has several disadvantages as well. For one, if you want to unblock only certain domains, then you’ll have to specify this in the “Custom Level” section manually. Another disadvantage is that cookies will still be blocked. This means that every time you go onto the Facebook site, it will ask for access to cookies and other things on your computer.

Examples Of Whitelisting

An example of how white-listing has been used in the past is when Snapchat, a texting app, created a filter that cracks and peels off your skin. When news organizations reported this filter, they included how it can be harmful to those with suicidal thoughts because it could send the message that suicide is an easy way out.

Another example of how white-listing has been used in the past is when Facebook blocked its website for users in Myanmar as part of an effort to fight misinformation after Facebook had backtracked on its decision to keep the social media site available to them part of an experiment.


Whitelisting your website is a way of only allowing the domains you want to visit through your firewall. This can be helpful if you have kids or are just looking for peace of mind that you’re not being tracked online. 

If you’re using an ad blocker, it’s essential to know that whitelisting may allow some ads into view when visiting sites to help fund the site and keep them accessible for everyone else. In general, we recommend this option because many people don’t realize how much information they could be giving up without realizing it. 

Either way, make sure there’s no personal data on these pages before going ahead with a whitelist request!

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