What is WAN acceleration?

What is WAN acceleration?


WAN Acceleration is used in many industries including healthcare, financial services, media & entertainment, telecommunications and transportation markets. WAN acceleration is the process of applying data compression and/or caching techniques at intermediate points in large networks to improve network performance. It is done by leveraging intelligent appliances to maximize available bandwidth, improve application response times, and reduce total cost of ownership (TCO). WAN acceleration can be implemented between sites of an organization or service provider network to optimize the use of the wide area network (WAN) infrastructure.

WAN acceleration will help increase bandwidth without expensive upgrades while reducing bandwidth costs by compressing and caching data from common office applications, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, SharePoint, SQL Server, Active Directory, and others. In addition to optimizing WAN bandwidth utilization for file transfers, web proxy caching also reduces end-user latency while concurrently enhancing connectivity security.

What is WAN acceleration?

WAN acceleration is a technology that allows network transmissions from one location to another to be sped up. It has to do with the data being transmitted linearly from one point to another.

WAN acceleration is a technology that speeds up the transfer of data from one location to another. Data are linear, so are transmitted linearly from one point to another. This can be done quite quickly or slowly depending on the technology used. It has applications in accelerating the transfer of large amounts of data, especially over wide area networks (WANs).

How does it work?

WAN acceleration works by increasing the bandwidth of the network, reducing the latency and providing lower costs for the enterprise.

There are a few excellent methods that can be used to achieve these goals, but they all involve implementing some type of WAN optimization technology. These technologies use a variety of techniques and tactics to achieve the desired results making them powerful and flexible.

These technologies can also provide scalability which allows organizations to grow as needed without needing to purchase new equipment or upgrades. Additionally, this provides flexibility because it reduces cost which can lead companies to save money in both networking and IT budget expenditures.

Why do we need LAN acceleration?

LAN acceleration is a technology that speeds up the Internet connection by compressing and optimizing the data. It’s used to reduce delays and increase the bandwidth of a network. LAN acceleration can be used to combat latency, buffer bloat, and bandwidth-bound protocols such as TCP. It also works well with bandwidth-intensive applications, such as Voice over IP (VoIP), streaming video services, FTP servers, etc.

Typically, LAN acceleration is implemented using one of the following methods: Hardware Acceleration – A device that’s capable of compressing and optimizing the Internet connection, usually installed on the user’s network router. Software Acceleration – a piece of software installed on a user’s personal computer, which compresses and optimizes the Internet connection.

Which types of WAN acceleration are available?

A variety of WAN acceleration types are available. One example is WAN optimization, which is a process in which data across the network is transferred in an optimized or compressed form to increase throughput and reduce delays. For example, WAN optimization can include compressing data using HTTP compression before sending it across the WAN link.

Another specific example of a type of WAN acceleration is called TCP optimization, which involves receiving packets over an MPLS network and optimizing their TCP headers to increase throughput.

What is the difference between hardware and software-based WAN acceleration and hybrid?

A hybrid WAN acceleration system is a combination of hardware and software-based solutions. Hybrid WAN acceleration systems combine the advantages of both hardware and software-based solutions. This allows for the best of both approaches. Existing hardware appliances typically offer better performance than software-based solutions, but suffer from limited flexibility and increase costs because they are built specifically for each customer’s network. Conversely, software-based solutions are more flexible and cost less, but do not provide high levels of throughput because virtual appliances can use only what resources are available on the servers they run on. A hybrid WAN acceleration system is typically deployed as a software appliance that runs directly on existing hardware, so it can take advantage of low-cost, high performance hardware to increase throughput while gaining the flexibility and cost benefits of a software solution. A hybrid WAN acceleration system also typically uses multiple compression techniques to achieve higher levels of throughput and better WAN optimization.

Hybrid WAN acceleration systems combine both software-based and hardware-based solutions to provide the best of both approaches while also improving results. Software-based solutions tend to be more flexible and cost less, but do not offer high levels of performance because virtual appliances can only use what resources are available on the servers they run on. Conversely, hardware-based solutions provide higher levels of performance but tend to be less flexible and more expensive because they’re built specifically for each customer’s network. A hybrid WAN acceleration system is typically deployed as a software appliance that runs directly on existing hardware, so it can take advantage of low-cost, high performance hardware to increase throughput while gaining the flexibility and cost benefits of a software solution. A hybrid WAN acceleration system typically uses multiple compression techniques to achieve better results.


WAN acceleration is a method of speeding up data transfer between two networks. It can be used to increase the speed and performance of any network, with most benefits seen in WANs with high latency or long distances. When you use LAN acceleration on your home computer, it will help shorten download times for large files like movies and TV shows so they don’t take hours instead of minutes. And this is true for just about anything- from downloading software updates to uploading videos. If you’re looking for faster downloads and uploads that are more reliable than what your internet connection provides alone, then we recommend using a VPN service as well as WAN Acceleration with our Home Networking Service .

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