What Is Virtual Network Segmentation In Computer Networking?

Virtual network segmentation is a computer networking technology that allows you to create separate logical partitions or segments within a physical network. In this way, administrators can control traffic flow between these partitions while still allowing internal traffic to take place without any restrictions.

Virtual network segmentation, also known as VNET or Virtual Partitioning, is an effective security measure that helps the system administrator control and monitor users’ access to resources. 

Grouping resources can do this into separate networks without requiring the physical separation of these resources. User isolation is achieved within a single physical network by routing packets through different paths or ports, filtered for traffic based on specific criteria such as source IP address or port number.

Security In Computer Networking

Segmentation with communication boundaries is considered one of the essential principles in computer networking. It provides security because it ensures communication only occurs across defined communication boundaries, preventing unauthorized entities from gaining access to restricted information.

It can be considered a more secure form of network isolation because it extends the security boundary beyond the traditional boundaries of a physical network, for example, a demilitarized zone (DMZ) or extranet. 

There is an additional shield on the network layer that filters traffic based on specific criteria such as source IP address or port number. This is made possible by virtualizing the physical resources and grouping them into arbitrary isolated networks. These logical partitions allow each group of users to communicate with other groups without providing any direct access between these partitions.

Uses of VNET

Segmentation can provide security in many ways, but the most common use of VNETs is to prevent unauthorized users from accessing sensitive information. 

A classic example would be an FTP server that stores confidential documents for other employees to access. You can configure your network so that only users on the same floor or wing can access the resources attached to this segment by setting up permissions and/or firewall rules within VNET’s network boundaries. 

Another good example would be securing cross-departmental communication between two offices that are connected by a WAN link. Once these resources are grouped into separate segments, you can control the traffic passing through WAN links while allowing internal traffic to occur without any restrictions. The system administrator could also implement intrusion detection systems to monitor network activity and increase security.

Benefits of Using Virtual Network Segmentation In Computer Networking

One of the most significant benefits of computer networking is improvement in security. Virtual network segmentation enhances the security of a computer system by controlling and monitoring access to resources. It allows defined communication boundaries, only allowing users to communicate with other users within these boundaries.

Another benefit is lower infrastructure costs because virtual segmentation provides a more flexible approach in allocating resources across different groups of users. This also promotes resource optimization and utilization efficiency between other groups of users. The segregation allows different groups to have their isolated resources for improved security, which leads us to another benefit: less traffic from outside networks can enter the virtual network boundary, thus improving overall performance.

The concept of virtualized resources also makes it possible to create an additional layer of policy based on time-of-day or daypart availability that determines when a particular resource is available. This change can be done without taking resources offline. The resources within the virtual network do not require physical relocation. Only allocation to an appropriate group will increase or decrease the computing power and storage capacity needed.

Drawbacks of Using Virtual Network Segmentation In Computer Networking

One drawback is high complexity due to the need for additional processing and filtering protocols at each networking device which you need for segmentation. 

Also, it can easily lead to security loopholes if someone does not take proper measures. Virtualized networks introduce new risks such as an isolated enclave that cannot communicate with other network parts, creating a security risk similar to having unpatched vulnerabilities on physical machines. 

There is also a risk of isolating internal segments from the outer segment, thus creating two independent security domains. This can lead to conflicts in business requirements between the internal and external users that have to be addressed through increased coordination between different groups.

People do not always consider Virtual Network Segmentation when designing computer networks because they are sometimes viewed as more complex solutions. This along with an increase in risks when compared to traditional methods such as physical isolation or virtual private networks. 

However, virtual network segmentation offers a flexible approach in allocating resources across different groups of users, resulting in improvement in performance, cost savings, and ease in management when proper security measures are taken into consideration.


The system administrator could also implement intrusion detection systems to monitor network activity and increase security. However, the major drawback to using virtual network segmentation is that it can become highly complex and challenging to manage. The level of protection required by each group must be carefully considered before attempting to implement this type of technology. 

This type of management is also not available for all computer networking equipment, such as routers and switches. There may also be some issues with compatibility between devices manufactured by different companies, which requires additional attention during the implementation process.

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