What is the Best Unified Threat Management Software?

What is the Best Unified Threat Management Software?

In this blog post, we will be discussing what the best unified threat management software might be. In order to determine that, it is important to first understand what a unified threat management system does and how it can help your business. A Unified Threat Management System provides protection from malware and viruses as well as safeguards against data breaches and other attacks on your network. It also helps with monitoring your network for suspicious activity. If you are serious about protecting your data and security, then there really isn’t any better option than a Unified Threat Management Software!

What is the Best Unified Threat Management Software?

There really isn’t a “best” option when it comes down to choosing a Unified Threat Management System because everyone’s needs are going to be different depending on their business size and what they are trying to accomplish. Some of the top UTM software providers include:

  • Sophos

Sophos  provides both on-premise and cloud based solutions for businesses of all sizes, giving them the flexibility they need to protect their business. Some of their most popular features include: email spam filtering, web filter content blocking and application control . They also provide a comprehensive threat intelligence feed that will help you stay protected from known threats in real time.

  • Checkpoint

Checkpoint is another one of the top providers when it comes down to Unified Threat Management Software. Their solution offers some great protection against malware using advanced sandbox technology which can prevent new unknown viruses from entering your network. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from Checkpoint as it is a software that you install directly on the hardware and appliances, which makes it a very easy solution to manage. The downside however, is its price point which tends to be significantly higher than other UTM providers .

  • Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks offers some amazing security features including an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) module for real time protection against data breaches. It also has great reporting capabilities so your IT staff will know exactly what activity has been happening in their network at any given time. This solution though does require installation on specialized firewall devices or virtual firewalls running VMware hypervisor , making this one not quite feasible for small businesses who are looking for ease of use over all else.

  • Trend Micro

Trend Micro is best known for its antivirus and endpoint protection software, but they do provide a solid UTM solution as well. They offer both on premise and cloud based solutions depending on what your business needs might be. You can also combine multiple devices into one console which will make management of many different appliances much easier than if you were to manage them all individually.

What is a Unified Threat Management System?

A unified threat management system is a software package that provides protection from malware, viruses, phishing scams and other attacks on your network. It also helps you monitor the health of your network by monitoring for suspicious traffic or activity. A Unified Threat Management System can help protect all users in an organization regardless if they are working remotely offsite or at the office.

How Does it Work?

A UTM solution uses cryptography to provide multiple layers of security to safeguard networks against cyber-attacks including spam, virus/malware etc., as well as protecting data inside the company using content filtering technology. The device itself sits between two firewalls (example: firewall #0 & firewall #i) allowing access only through its own ports within each firewall. The UTM performs all of the security tasks such as:

  • Data Leakage Prevention (DLP)
  • Content Inspection and Filtering
  • Spam Detection and Mitigation 
  • Intrusion Prevention and Detection
  • Advanced Threat Protection 
  • Endpoint/Mobile Device Security

How to Choose the Best Unified Threat Management Software for Your Needs?

The best way to choose a Unified Threat Management System is by talking with your IT consultant and understanding which features you need in order to protect your company. Something that might be great at protecting one business may not meet the needs of another so it is important to look into all of the options available before making any final decision on what type of UTM software you should go with. Some things that can affect how well a UTM solution will fit your specific needs include:

  • The number of users/devices using the network
  • What resources are being used (bandwidth, memory) 
  • What kinds of devices are on the network (PCs, Macs, mobile phones etc.,)
  • How much control you want over internet access 
  • The size of the network
  • What applications are being used (Microsoft Office, email etc.,) and how they use data 
  • Budgetary constraints
  • Security needs (DLP, data encryption, file blocking etc.,)  
  • Your industry/sector and regulatory compliance requirements.


Unified Threat Management (UTM) is a great way to provide an all-inclusive security solution for your business. With the prices of these solutions coming down and more features being included it has become easier than ever to protect yourself against threats while also providing added benefits such as remote access, web filtering and centralized management capabilities. A Unified Threat Management System is a great investment for any company, big or small. You can protect your business and make sure that everyone on the network has the most secure experience possible whether they are connecting from home or working remotely offsite. A UTM solution provides all of this at an affordable price making it one of the best investments you could ever make.

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