What is Split DNS?

What is Split DNS?


The Split DNS feature in Windows Server 2003 enables you to configure a single name-resolution process that resolves queries for both internal and external names. It is the best way to secure your network because it provides a consistent, unified security policy across all of your domains. It also ensures that data will not be leaked outside of the organization’s domain if there is an error or attack on one of your servers.

This is achieved by configuring a DNS server to perform name resolution for both external and internal names. That way, all queries coming from within the network are resolved locally, while any requests that come from outside of the domain (the Internet) will be sent to an ISP’s DNS servers instead.

What is Split DNS?

Split DNS is a technique in computer networking that allows administrators to create multiple copies of the same domain name, but assign each one to a different location. This way, they can better control which systems are receiving traffic or service requests.

A basic example of how this would work is if two offices in different cities/regions which have the same domain name are resolved to them. The administrator has set up two instances of DNS servers for this company, only one of these servers actually resolves the correct IP address for the requested domain, while the other responds with an incorrect IP address. One of these servers could be configured to resolve outwards towards the Internet at large, while the other server sends requests back into company networks.

How does it work?

Split DNS is a method of implementing network security that is used to ensure security on your network. Split DNS refers to the separation of public and private DNS servers on your local network. It ensures that you can control what websites are accessible by users using your internet connection, without changing the configuration of the public DNS server for the entire internet.

When you log onto your wifi, there are several things that happen when you decide to open up a web browser. You enter the URL of the website that you wish to visit into your bar, and your computer gets to work finding out which site you want. The first thing it does is contact the DNS server with the domain name of the URL you have entered in. The DNS server then returns the IP address of the website you are looking for, and your computer directs you to that site without much hassle.

What are the benefits of using split DNS?

There are many benefits that come from using Split DNS on your network. It is an important security feature that allows you to have the same hostname appear on both the public and private DNS servers. This ensures that your guests will be able to reach your resources even while they are outside of your network connection. With Split DNS, you can also create a website that will host on both your private and public name servers. This is a great feature as it allows you to have public access as well as private access. In addition, Split DNS also allows for easy name resolution for servers that are on your non-standard network IPs. This makes it easier when trying to SSH into or configure devices that are not on your local network

What are the different types of Split DNS setups?

There are three types of split DNS setups:

1. Primary as Secondary – In this setup, the Primary server hosts website content and the Secondary server hosts the DNS records that link your domain name to your web address. The Primary as Secondary setup is a common configuration because it allows for a backup DNS server in case your router fails or there is another hardware failure with the Primary server’s network connection.

2. Primary as Backup – In this setup, the Primary server hosts website content and DNS records that link your domain name to your web address. If the Primary server fails, it has no way of serving up web traffic to its users.

3. Primary as Master – In this setup, the Primary server hosts website content, but it doesn’t host DNS records that link your domain name to your web address. Instead, it redirects the Domain Name System requests on its local network to a Secondary server.


Split DNS is one of the most overlooked aspects of a company’s IT infrastructure. If you’re not familiar with it, Split DNS can be summed up as follows: “Split” refers to the two different IP addresses that are associated with your domain name. The first address is used for internal traffic and isn’t publicly accessible online; the second address is what visitors see when they visit your website or try to access an application on your server. When this setup is done correctly, it provides better security because only private systems have direct access to public networks like the internet. It also helps reduce network congestion since some requests never make their way out onto public networks in order to stay within a local area network (LAN). All these benefits come at very little cost to performance.

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