What a Firewall Protects Your Company Against

What a Firewall Protects Your Company Against

What Does A Firewall Protect Your Company Against

The internet is a dangerous place. All it takes is one shady website to fill your device with viruses and hack it. When it comes to protecting your company against hackers and other threats, there are two main things that you need: an antivirus program and a firewall. This blog post will talk about what firewalls protect your company against, how they work, and why they are so important!

A firewall not only helps protect your company from hackers but also protects the network of your company from any outside attacks like a DDoS attack and it filters any viruses, spyware, and other malware before they even enter a computer system.

What Does A Firewall Protect Your Company Against?

Firewall Helps Protect Your Company From Hackers

A firewall is a program that sits between your computer (or network) and the internet. It works to protect you from hackers trying to access sensitive information, such as passwords and financial data. Firewalls do this by stopping any suspicious activity coming into your device or going out of it before they have the chance to mess with anything on there.

It’s important to realize that not all firewalls are the same. Some focus on blocking certain types of incoming activity, such as viruses and spam emails. Others look at outgoing traffic more closely because many hackers try to get into your device through a downloaded file or email attachment. A firewall is an interesting area in cybersecurity because it works outside of your computer’s operating system. That means it can even protect you if your device is already hacked.

Firewall Protects The Network From Outside Attacks

If you have multiple computers in your company, there’s a good chance that they are all connected. This is called a network and it gives everyone on the team access to certain files or programs if needed. If someone outside of this network tries to hack into any of these devices (including yours), the firewall will work with other security tools to block their access.

Firewalls also work well in larger companies because they can keep track of all the devices connected to them, even if that device is a mobile phone or laptop (rather than just your desktop). If someone tries to hack into one of these items and you notice suspicious activity on the network firewall, you know for sure that the hacker came in through one of these devices.

Firewall Protects Your Company From DDoS Attacks

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack floods a website with too much traffic. This can cause it to go down, which means that users will not be able to access anything on there or possibly even get online at all. Firewalls work well against this type of attack because they are often set up behind the web server itself and keep track of how many requests for information are coming in every second. If any device starts sending more than expected, the firewall stops them before they become an issue!

Firewalls can stop these types of cyberattacks automatically without needing someone else’s help. The best ones have both automated and manual settings so you know for sure that your company is protected at all times. That way, you can go back to worrying about other important things in your business.

A Firewall Filters Out Viruses, Spyware, And Other Malware Before They Enter A Computer System

Incoming traffic is analyzed to see if it contains viruses or any other type of malware. If so, that data will be blocked before reaching the device’s operating system and potentially causing damage.

Outgoing traffic can also be checked for similar threats because hackers often try to get into a company’s network by sending an email with infected attachments (or even links within the body of that email). The firewall works in real-time to block this activity from ever getting out onto your corporate servers where you store all sensitive information like customer records and trade secrets.

Firewalls are one cybersecurity tool used alongside others such as endpoint protection systems and virtual private networks. These work together on devices both inside your office space(such as desktops) and that outside of the office(such as laptops and mobile devices).

Together, these devices help protect a company’s network and information against threats.

The Firewall Can Be Customized To Meet The Needs Of A Business

It generally has two major purposes: keeping the network secure and ensuring that employees are productive.

First, a firewall stops unauthorized Internet traffic from entering your company’s private networks. There are many types of attacks such as spamming or attempts to gain access to one computer to use it for further attacks on other computers (called “launching a distributed denial-of-service attack”). A properly configured firewall will stop these threats before they reach any servers or personal devices connected directly into the router.

Second, once an employee connects their laptop or mobile device through Wi-Fi at work, all communications between this machine and its home server should be encrypted using virtual private networking (VPN). This way no one can eavesdrop on this network traffic, which is an important security measure.

Another feature to look for in a business-class firewall is the ability to set limits on how much bandwidth can be used by each user or department within your company. This prevents one team from slowing down another’s Internet connection during busy times and lets you prevent data leakage when someone leaves the company (which often involves downloading large files onto their laptop).

Businesses have different needs when it comes to security, so it only makes sense that firewalls can be customized for multiple settings. Some companies only need to worry about incoming traffic, while others will focus on outgoing as well. Some might want a firewall that can be customized based on each user’s needs within the company and some just want an all-inclusive device with many different features.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of what firewalls do to keep your business secure from outside attacks as well as the dangers that could come inside through email attachments or links within emails. We also talked about how they can be customized with different capabilities depending on each business’s needs.

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