How to Tunnel into another Network MAC?

How to tunnel into another network MAC?


Tunneling is a process of encapsulating one type of internet protocol within another. It’s often used to transport an IPv6 packet over an IPv4 network, for example. Tunneling can also be used to bypass censorship or other restrictions on access to other systems and networks.

Tunneling is accomplished by either sending the traffic through a virtual tunnel established via two endpoints (tunnels) or by using special routers that support these protocols (mixed tunnels). The latter is known as “transit tunnels” because they provide transit service between networks that do not have any direct connectivity between them. 

What is a MAC address and what does it do?

MAC stands for Media Access Control. It is a unique number that is assigned to every network interface. There are two parts of this number: Hardware Address and Organizationally Unique Identifier. The Hardware Address is the physical device ID that every single piece of networking hardware has.

The HID or Organizationally Unique Identifier, on the other hand, can be changed by an administrator who assigns it to his systems which results in the system having a different MAC address. This way, the administrator can control and monitor individual units in a group of systems that share the same interface.

The Network Access Control is frequently used to determine the authenticity of a device that wants to access the network. It does this by checking if the MAC address of the machine belongs to an approved list which can be composed with either individual machines or user groups. This block also works as a filter for incoming packets, allowing only those which are sent with a certain MAC address.

How to tunnel into another network MAC?

MAC addresses are the hardware addresses of devices on a computer network. MAC addresses are unique in that they are assigned to each device by the manufacturer. When an administrator is setting up their network, it is important to secure the most used networks for necessary access.

To create a tunnel with another network, you need two computers with two different operating systems set upon them. The most effective way to do this would be to have one person at each computer. On both computers, disable any antivirus programs so that there is no interference with port scanning or installing software.

When looking for a connection to another computer, it is important that the operating systems of both computers are relatively similar. This can be done by choosing Windows XP and Linux. For this instance, we will use Backtrack 4 as our Windows XP machine and Ubuntu as our Linux machine.

Once you have found a reliable connection, install PUTTY on both computers. Place the IP address of the Windows XP machine into Putty and click open. You will likely get a warning message about not recognizing the certificate; click accept.

When prompted for a username and password, use the administrator account. On your Linux machine, you need to find out what interace0 is on your computer. Type “ifconfig” into the terminal window without quotes. You will see that it lists all of the interfaces on your machine with their IP addresses, MAC addresses, and other information about them.

Why would I want to tunnel into another network MAC address?

There are a lot of reasons that someone would want to tunnel into another MAC address. One easy way is to use the same network for anonymity for cyberbullying, defamation, and other unlawful activity. The person will get the same IP address, so it’s very difficult to identify who is doing what.

Another reason is for someone to spoof their MAC address. For example, if one has an iPhone 6s and it can’t be unlocked with a fingerprint reader anymore because its owner forgot his password, then he might use this technique in order to unlock it again.

The last reason is for bypassing some network traffic. For example, if someone wants to access some website that is restricted at his/her workplace, then he might want to use this technique in order to get around the firewall.

How do I connect to someone’s MAC address?

There are many ways to connect to someone’s MAC address. One technique is to use the ARP protocol and forge a gratuitous ARP reply or a fake ARP. Once you have done that, your MAC address will be replaced with the MAC of the person you want to connect with.

There’s also an older technique that involves spoofing packets by using another program such as arpspoof. This attack would be easier for people who know how to read packets and has some programming knowledge because it requires more effort than just sending out a fake ping request.

You could also create a UDP tunnel through SSH. This isn’t quite reverse ARP spoofing, but it does allow you to connect back to the home machine and use services that you’re locked out of. It’s not necessary to know how to read packets if you’re going this route and it gives you more freedom in what service you can tunnel.


A MAC address, or media access control address, is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment. It’s important to remember that while you can’t change your PC’s MAC address (both wired and wireless) if you’re using an Ethernet cable then it should be possible to change the computer name by editing its configurations. The default setting will be “Computer” but this can easily be changed so long as there are no other devices currently logged in with the same name. If you are using a wireless network adapter, you can change the name but this is often not recommended. Because it’s possible to spoof the MAC address of another computer, if someone wants to connect to your local area network then they could potentially do so by giving their computer your existing computer’s MAC address.

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