How To Tunnel Into A Computer On Your Network?

How To Tunnel Into A Computer On Your Network?


This document is intended to show how to tunnel into a computer on your local network using tools that are already built into Windows.Tunneling into a computer that is behind a firewall or on another subnet can be difficult if you are not aware of tools available to make it easier.

For example, the problem with tunneling into computers over the internet is that they normally require some type of special software installed on both ends of the connection in order to work correctly.

Having administrative access to any one of your local computers allows you to use built-in Windows commands to create tunnels between them using networking protocols that are already included in almost every operating system.

How To Tunnel Into A Computer On Your Network?

Steps to Tunnel into a Computer in a Network-

Step 1: Open the “Command Prompt” by clicking on Start, typing in cmd and pressing enter.

Step 2: At the prompt type “ping”. 

Press Enter once you are done typing it out. This is called pinging yourself locally because you are sending data to your own computer, if this fails then there is a problem with your network connection or your firewall is blocking ICMP requests (which means that you will not be able to do any of these tricks).

Step 3: Now type in “ping [target computer name]”. 

For example if your target machine’s name is “MegaCorpPC” then you should type-

ping mega-corppc

If this succeeds then you have established a successful connection with the target machine, if not then there is something wrong either with the network or the firewall settings for that machine (ICMP requests may be blocked).

Step 4: Now that we know that we can connect to the target machine it is time to establish a tunnel. Type in “openvpn [file path]”. 

For example- if your file path is C:\tunnels\demo\.ovpn then you would type-

openvpn c:\tunnels\demo\.ovpn

If successful, Windows will ask you what kind of security settings you would like for this connection. For demonstration purposes, pick “Connect anyway”. This should create a new network interface named “TAP Adapter” and it may pop up a warning about a missing driver for this adapter. You can safely ignore this warning by clicking on the OK button. *If a window pops up asking you which IP address settings to use, choose “Automatic”. If this is your first time setting up the OpenVPN software, it will ask you to enter your username and password. It is probably a good idea to make note of these credentials in case something goes wrong later on.

Step 5: Once the connection has been established by either clicking “connect anyway” or inputting login / password credentials, windows will warn you that an IP conflict has occurred. This warning can safely be ignored since we are tunneling into our own machine. A new interface should have been created called TAP Adapter with a number following it (10 in this example). Right click on this adapter and select “properties”.

On the General tab, change “Type of media disconnected” to “Virtual”, then hit the “Configure” button.

In the new window that appears, select your newly created connection from the dropdown box. This should be named something like C:\tunnels\demo\.ovpn (in our example). Enter your username and password for this connection. If you failed to make note of them earlier it might be a good idea to do so now! Select “TCP/IPv4” as the type of protocol and enter an IP address in this format 10.10.(yoursubnet).(yoursubmask) (e.g 192.168.1.(255 255 255)). Hit OK when you have filled out all of these settings.

Step 6: This is the final step! To verify that it works correctly open up your preferred browser and see if the target machine loads the page, if not you probably entered an incorrect IP address. Another issue can be that you don’t have admin privileges on the target machine to change its network settings, this would obviously make it impossible for tunneling to work.

This should tunnel onto your computer remotely even though there may be a firewall in between blocking this kind of connectivity.


Following Above Proces one can Tunnel into a Computer in his /her Network which is behind a Firewall. This will help in Tunneling Traffic from Local Area Network to Remote Computer, But this process is slow and may not always work as expected since the client computer needs to be connected to its own network when trying to connect remotely.

This will allow you to connect to your local machine after deploying this on a target computer. This can be used for many things but the most popular is probably gaming. If your game does not work over LAN then you may want to try out Tunngle, or Evolve (both are free) . These programs create virtual networks which you can connect with other people. The other person would also need to have either Tunngle/Evolve installed.

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