How To Setup Port Forwarding On A Belkin Router?

How To Setup Port Forwarding On A Belkin Router?


Port forwarding is required to provide support for the other computers on the local network or Internet. It could be used when you are hosting a game server, supporting a web server or using other Internet services that require other systems to connect to your router. Port forwarding may also be required when you are using a particular Internet application that needs to make a connection outside of your network. Port Forwarding is one way of making connections possible by doing this, all incoming traffic from the Internet will be redirected to your computer or any other computers within your local network if it matches the port forwarding rule. Port Forwarding can allow people on the Internet to reach services running on your LAN computers no matter what their IP address might be as long as the ports used by those services match those being used in Port Forwarding rules.

The following procedure will help you forward ports on your Belkin router.

Steps of Port Forwarding in Belkin Router:

Step 1:

Log in to the administration interface of your Belkin router. The address is by default, you can also consult the documentation that came with your device for the correct address if it is different than this one.

Step 2:

Click “Forward Port” under Advanced Settings on the left side menu of the web console of your router. A new window will open allowing you to configure port forwarding on your Belkin router.

First, select a port from the list and enter its corresponding server IP Address . To enable applications such as games or chat programs, forward multiple ports by entering each subsequent port number separated by a comma ,ex : 25000-25010 . To forward all ports (TCP and UDP), select “Use Both” from the Protocol field. Finally, choose whether you want to apply your changes immediately or at a later date by checking “Apply Changes”.

Step 3:

After you are done configuring port forwarding on your Belkin router, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Settings” to save your modifications.

You should now be able to connect via FTP, game servers or any other applications on the specified ports on your Belkin router. You can also configure additional features on your Belkin router such as Virtual Servers . Do not forget that some routers have specific limitations for certain services so if this is what you’re looking for check out our favorite Dual Band WiFi Routers For Gaming .

Another Way

1 Log in to the management interface of the Belkin Wireless G+ MIMO Router. You can do this by typing into an address bar within your browser window (such as Chrome) and then pressing Enter . This should take you directly to the log-in page of the router where you would enter your username and password.

2 After successfully logging in, you should see a menu. Click on Advanced from this menu, and then click on Port Forwarding . This option is usually found under Advanced Setup , so if the option is not visible as mentioned above, scroll further down to locate Advanced Setup.

3 In the new window that appears next, select the Virtual Servers link at the top of this menu where you will be presented with a menu .

4 From within this list, we need to add two port forwarding entries which you will also find at the bottom of the screen (you need to create these virtual servers before adding any ports). Creating a new entry consists of providing an Entry Name , which is a friendly name for reference only, the Port Range to forward , either TCP or UDP depending on what type of port you are forwarding, Protocol Type which should be left as Standard unless you have specific routing needs, your IP Address that the incoming data will come from, and finally the internal port range that you want to forward.

5 Once this has been completed then click Add at the bottom of the screen. This will create your first virtual server entry ready for configuration.

6 Now repeat these steps to create another new entry but this time use an Entry Name different from the first one created. When finished with creating both entries within this menu system it should look something like below:

7 You can now configure each entry by selecting it in the list and clicking Configure at the bottom of the screen. As a default, all entries will be active which is what you want in most cases. You can enable or disable an option for each entry by selecting it from the list and providing a value for it in the space provided if required. In this image below we have disabled one of the entries to avoid any potential conflicts with our client’s own setup when they connect.

8 For each entry that you have created within your Virtual Servers menu here, you then need to add a port forwarding range to forward traffic through that particular virtual server . To do so simply click Add in the Port Forwarding section on this same page in order to bring up a new window where you can enter a port number range to forward. You can learn more about how to set up a port forwarding range here .

9 Once you have completed adding all your port forwarding ranges, click Save at the bottom of the screen and then OK later on when presented with the warning message notifying you that all changes will be applied.


Once you have completed the steps within this guide, you will now be able to configure your Belkin Wireless G+ MIMO Router to forward incoming data from a certain range of ports through a virtual server which is very useful for several purposes. You can then connect to that port number on your home network from any connection outside your local area network, just as if it was another external IP address.

For example, you could set up a web server on port 80 and then access it over HTTP at http://YourExternalIP:80 or test websites from an office connection by connecting to them externally at http://YourExternalIP:80 .

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