How to set up a WAN connection?

How to set up a WAN connection?

WAN stands for wide area network. It is a connection that can span multiple buildings, states, or even countries. Wan connections are typically used in case of an outage with your internet service provider, when you need to connect two different networks together (like two offices), or if you want to provide wireless access to more than one building at the same time. Today we will go over how to set up a new WAN connection.

What is a WAN Connection?

A wan connection is an internet service that provides local area network (LAN) connectivity to remote sites or users across a wide area network (WAN), such as the Internet.

A wan connection is a backup internet service that can be used if the mainline to your ISP goes down. It basically connects two different networks via an alternate route across existing infrastructure, such as DSL or cable modems and ISPs, this way it’s possible for any party involved to maintain up-time of their services even when there are issues with the main connection.

Steps to set up WAN connection.

  • First, you need to purchase a router that has the wan feature. You can’t exactly connect two routers together without it! Next, you will plug in your modem into one of the available ports on your new router and then use an ethernet cable to connect from another port on the old router/modem combo (if this is a new device) to the wan port on your router.
  • Next, turn off and unplug the power from both devices for at least thirty seconds. This will reset them back to their factory default settings which is important when you are trying to connect two different networks together! Once that’s done, turn everything back on again in the opposite order they were turned off.
  • Lastly, you will want to go into your new router’s settings and find the ‘wan’ section. Once there, all you have to do is input a few things: The WAN IP Address (this can be done automatically if it chooses a good one for you), Primary DNS Server, Secondary DNS Server (and optionally a third), and the gateway (this is the IP Address of your ISP’s modem/router). After completing this, you should be good to go!
  • If everything works out right, congratulations – you now have a WAN connection for whatever purpose it was used for. If not; make sure that all settings were entered correctly and if they were, you may need to call your ISP for further help.

Why do I need a WAN connection?

A wan connection is important for many different reasons. For example, you might want to connect two of your offices together or provide wireless access across multiple buildings at the same time with just one internet service provider account.

With a wan connection, it’s possible to have the Internet on all the time while using only one ISP account and modem/router. This way, you would pay one monthly bill for everything and not have to worry about having multiple accounts or separate modems/routers (unless of course, the connection goes down).

On this point, some routers provide a failover feature which means that if your main internet service fails somehow; it will automatically switch over to the second connection (wan).

What happens if a wan connection goes down?

A wan connection is considered as an always-on, so if it fails for some reason then the internet will go down. For this reason, most people that have a dual-wan setup with their provider are able to have both connections active at once and only turn off one of them when they’re not using it.

This way you can ensure that you’ll never be offline for very long if one of your connections fails.

You should also keep in mind that some providers offer this as an additional service, so it will cost extra money to have two wan connections simultaneously active. This is why many people decide on just having a backup connection rather than two primary ones – because they can just turn it on when they need to and then switch back.

A backup connection is much cheaper than two primary connections, so you can save money by just having that one active at all times – if your main goes down; the secondary will instantly take over for as long as necessary. If this happens in an office setting, however, please try not to forget that the backup will be active and take extra precautions to ensure you don’t shut down or restart your computer during this time.

A wan connection is what allows users to have access to the Internet, so if it goes down then no one can get online – which means losing business because of something as silly as a failed modem/router.


A wan connection is what allows users to have access to the Internet, so if it goes down then no one can get online – which means losing business because of something as silly as a failed modem/router. In order to set up a wan connection, you just need your primary and secondary DNS server information from your ISP in addition to the IP address of their modem/router.

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