How to set up a DHCP server?

How to set up a DHCP server?

The purpose of this article is to help you set up a DHCP server on your local network. It is fairly easy and straightforward, but there are some important things that need to be taken into consideration before continuing with the process. The first thing you will want to do is pick an IP range for your clients to use when they connect. This should include information about where they can find their default gateway address as well as their subnet mask so they know how many bits of data belong in their address.

What is a DHCP server?

A DHCP server is a service that assigns IP addresses to the computers on your network. When you turn on your computer, it asks for an “IP address” from the router or modem that’s connected to your ISP. The router/modem tells the computer what it’s own unique (local) IP address is and then routes information through itself and out onto the internet.

What is a DHCP client?

A DHCP client is any computer that connects to your network and requests an IP address from the server. There are many reasons why this would be necessary, such as the DHCP server ensures that there are no duplicate IP addresses on the network, preventing conflicts, and ensuring smooth operation for all connected computers.

How to set up your own DHCP in Windows server 2012?

To set up a DHCP server, follow these steps:

  • Open Server Manager. Click on Add roles and features. In the wizard that pops up, choose Role-based or feature-based installation, click next until you reach Select server roles. Scroll down to find “DHCP” and tick it. Follow through with Next > until you get to the end of the wizard and click on Install.
  • After a few minutes, you will be prompted to restart your computer. Once this is done, open Server Manager again and choose DHCP from the left sidebar menu. Right-click it, go to its properties, then select IPvX in the General tab where you can configure all kinds of options for IPs.
  • Now you are all set up. You can make your DHCP server active by right-clicking on its entry in the left sidebar menu of Server Manager and choosing “Start Service.” If it is not already running, that is.
  • To get an IP for yourself, simply open a command prompt (cmd) and type ipconfig This will display all your network configurations.

How to setup a DHCP server on Ubuntu?

  • You will first need to install the isc-dhcp-server package, which can be done by running sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade and then following through with sudo apt -y install isc-dhcp-server.
  • Once this has been installed, you can configure the DHCP server by opening /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf in your favorite text editor and following through with these steps:
  • Enter an IP range that’s suitable for your network between which you want to provide IP addresses (e.g., 192.168 . 0 .) Note that this will automatically create a subnet mask, which you can leave as it is if this suits your needs.
  • Enter a DHCP domain name that you want your clients to use.
  • If this is the first time running a DHCP server on your system, remember to activate it by typing sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart . Once all these steps have been completed, you should be ready to go! Just make sure that the Ubuntu machine has internet access and that clients (e.g., laptops, phones) are connected to the network before they ask for an IP address from your DHCP server.

How to set up a DHCP server on a Cisco router?

Cisco routers can be configured as DHCP servers by following these steps:

  • Make sure that the router has an IP address and is running. If it is not, configure it by typing config t and following through with ip address 192.168 . 0 . 200 255.255 . 240 . 0 and so on.
  • Enter enable mode by typing en or enable .
  • Type ip dhcp pool [pool name] and give this new DHCP pool a name.
  • Enter network [CIDR] to specify the IPvX range you want your DHCP server to provide IPs for (e.g., 192.168 . 0 /24).
  • Select the DNS servers your DHCP clients should use (e.g., 192.168 . 0 . 11 and 12).
  • Type lease days [the number of days] to specify how many days a client can use the IP address it gets from your DHCP server without releasing or renewing that lease.
  • Type exit to go back to the main menu of your router.
  • Now that your DHCP is configured, you will need to activate it. To do so, go back to the main menu of your router by typing exit and activate it by typing ip DHCP server enable.

How is a DHCP different than a DNS?

A domain name system or “DNS” is a network system that translates domain names into IP addresses. For example, when you type in the URL of an internet site (e.g., google . com) your computer asks its DNS server what IP address should correspond to this name and then points itself there so it can display the page for you! An important difference between DHCP and DNS is that DHCP is only responsible for IPs, while DNS can do both, find the corresponding IP address of a domain name and vice versa. This means that you can use a DNS server to connect to the internet without needing an active DHCP, whereas this is not possible with IPs.

How does a DHCP work? What are its benefits and disadvantages?


A DHCP works by assigning dynamic IP addresses to all devices on your network so they can communicate across it seamlessly. This means there will be no need for you to configure these devices manually with a static IP.  DHCP is the preferred method of assigning IPs because devices can automatically request an IP whenever they are turned on or rebooted. Dynamic addressing also helps conserve addresses since it will only give out as many as there are devices that need them!


Firstly DHCP servers generate a lot more traffic than static ones do so it might slow down your network or cause problems if you have a lot of devices connected to it.

Secondly, since the DHCP server is assigning IPs on its own and not telling clients when they should renew their leases (which would otherwise happen every few days), there’s no way for them to know that their IP has changed – this can result in problems if they keep trying to connect to the same device with the old IP.


DHCP is a great way to manage IPs in large networks since it provides dynamic addressing and doesn’t require manual configuration. It also conserves addresses by not releasing or renewing IPs when there are no devices using them. However, it also causes a lot more traffic on your network and can cause problems if not configured correctly.

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