How To Make A Minecraft Server Without Hamachi or Port Forwarding?

How To Make A Minecraft Server Without Hamachi or Port Forwarding?

Introduction to Minecraft Server:

Minecraft is one of the most popular sandbox games in today’s generation and has been so for the previous few years. The game itself provides a lot of options and possibilities which enhances your playing experience.

You can create an adventure, challenge yourself to the limits or even build your own things.

But there are times when you want to play with your friends too but can’t because they live far away from you. Also sometimes the server is down and people start leaving! That’s what happened to me. So I thought of researching this problem and found out that it is very easy to make a Minecraft Server without hamachi or port forwarding. The only thing you need is a computer(obviously) with at least 2gb ram along with an internet connection. All these steps are given below so keep reading

How to Make a Minecraft Server Without Hamachi:

Step 1:

Create a new folder and name it “Minecraft”. In this folder, create another new folder and name it “Servers” then in the “Servers” folder create another new folder and name that one whatever you want your server to be called. Open the previous named folder and make a file called “”.

Step 2:

Open the file with notepad by right clicking on it and going to Open With… select Notepad from the list of programs on the screen. Enter these lines into your server .properties file exactly as written! If there is an error in any line, your server will not work.

#Minecraft server properties










level-seed=-7460029247852292661 port=25565 server-port=25565  max-players=20

Step 3:

Save the file as “’ ‘ You do NOT need to make ANY changes to it after saving, no matter what! If you don’t have a line that says ‘port’ then just copy/paste this one instead: port: 25565

Step 4:

Open a new notepad document and paste this code into it, then save as “run.bat”

@echo off

java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui pause

Step 5 :

Double click the run file to start your server! You will most likely get an error that says something like ‘A required argument was not found or is in use by another process’ or something similar to that. To fix this problem find the line in the run file where it says ‘pause’, delete this line and retype it so it reads exactly like this:

@echo off

java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

Step 6 :

Open up your Minecraft game, go to multiplayer and click direct connect, the IP you see there should be what you need to type into your other users connecting via Hamachi.


If you are using windows 7 or vista, just press SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK on your minecraft .EXE file and select run as administrator. This will fix many connection problems people are having. I have also heard that it helps if you delete “run.bat” everytime after use so it creates a new one each time with fresh settings

Make a Minecraft Server without Port forwarding:

Step 1 :If you have port forwarding on, turn it off and delete any Minecraft shortcuts.

Step 2: Make a new .bat file like Step 5 above and make sure to remove the pause at the end of the batch file. (this will cause problems later)

Step 3 :Open up your control panel, go to system and security then click on administrative tools then click on services. Once in services find “IPSEC Service” set this to Manual then start the service. Go back into services and find “QoS Packet Scheduler”. Set this to Automatic (Delayed Start), if it is not in the list, click add then select it from the list that appears after searching for it. Now set it to automatic then start the service.

Step 4 :After all of this is done, you can restart your pc and re-open Minecraft! If you still have problems try using a different .bat file or setting “IPSEC Service” to automatic instead of delayed start.

Benefit of Creating Minecraft Server Without Hamachi/Port Forwarding: Minecraft:

servers can be created very easily and quickly without the need for Hamachi or Port forwarding. Minecraft servers can also be made with custom names and settings like Minecraft Servers With Hamachi.

Minecraft Server Without Port you don’t have to manually forward ports to play on your own Minecraft server, it is entirely automatic and done with Minecraft Server Once Configured.


The above explanation is a simplified guide to help you make a Minecraft server. This will not be as efficient as the other servers and may cause some problems with players connecting and not being able to connect properly, but this method does work and there are no extra programs required like Hamachi or Port forwarding and letting people connect to your server without hamachi is easy and simple. This is a really cheap, but efficient way to get a Minecraft server up and running quickly and easily without any hassle.

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