How To Enable Spoofing On A VPS?

How To Enable Spoofing On A VPS?


Spoofing is an operating system level placebo which tricks other computers into thinking your computer has an additional IP address.

Spoofing is commonly used to bypass geolocation restrictions in online games, chat services and web sites. Additionally, spoofing provides users with anonymity as their network traffic appears to originate from an entirely different location. There are two common methods of spoofing: using TCP/UDP packets or modifying the hosts file on your system. This article will describe how to enable packet spoofers by specifying open ports through your VPS’ firewall via iptables.

How To Enable Spoofing On A VPS

Spoofing on a VPS is done by modifying your firewall to allow multiple IP packets through on the same port. This can be done by making a specific iptables rule for each spoof address.

Steps to Enable spoofing on VPS:

1. Login to your VPS via SSH (command line).

2. Enter the following command:

sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

3. Move down to the bottom of sysctl file and add the following lines:

#spoof source address net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0  net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 0  net.ipv4.conf.<your-virtual-interface>.send_redirects = 0  net.ipv4.<your-virtual-interface>.rp_filter=0 

 #Enable TCP timestamps for every connection net/unix/tcp_window_scaling = 1

4. Press “Ctrl + X” to save the file and exit nano. Then, enter the following commands:

sudo sysctl -p  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

5. Restart your VPS via SSH (command line). Enter this command:

sudo shutdown -r now

6. Once the system finishes restarting, you will be able to use packet spoofers through your VPS’ firewall. A new iptables ruleset will have been added that allows packets on any port to also be sent out on port 7777 for UDP or 7778 for TCP . If you are using Windows, download Spoof for Windows , or if you are using Linux download  ProxyChains .

If you are using ProxyChains , download the latest version of proxychains-ng .

Once downloaded, extract it and run this command:

sudo chmod +x proxychains-ng-r3

Now all spoofing will be routed through your VPS’ firewall. Happy Spoofing.

What Is Iptables?

Iptables is the default firewall software in most Linux distributions today including Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Fedora Core. Iptables are essentially firewall rules configured within the Linux kernel that allow or deny network traffic based upon protocol, port number or source IP address. If you are running a Windows PC and wish to use Spoofing then we recommend installing either XPadder or WinPoET which allows users to spoof their applications on Windows computers without having to install Linux.

How Do I Check If My VPS Is Spoofing Enabled?

Log into your VPS via SSH. Then, enter iptables -t nat -L . All of the current iptables rules will be displayed along with chains, tables and rules in each chain. If you are interested in seeing only the new spoofing rules then you can specify this by entering iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING . This will display all of your VPS’ post-routing options.

An alternative method of viewing your VPS’ post-routing is to enter “iptables –line-numbers” instead of “-t nat”.

Replace “numbers” with the number of your rule to view it in greater detail.

Please note that by default, most VPS providers do not allow spoofing on their servers so you may need to ask support if your provider allows spoofing on its servers.

Merits of Enabling Spoofing on VPS

The main benefit of spoofing is to grant the ability to connect to servers behind restrictive firewalls using an alternate IP address. For example, if you are based outside the US and wish to access services like Hulu or Pandora then spoofing enables users to bypass regional restrictions. Spoofing can also be used for anonymous web browsing as all outgoing traffic appears to come from different IP addresses.

Also, it’s useful in testing DNS poisoning attacks because packet spoofers allow attackers to send packets with the source address of the target host which masks your identity during the attack.

Limitations of Spoofing on VPS

Enabling spoofing will decrease your anonymity so only enable this feature when necessary. When spoofing is enabled via iptables then it allows all traffic to be sent through the spoofed interface therefore VPS providers will see all your traffic. It should also be noted that while using Linux based packet spoofers, opening multiple connections can lead to slower data transfer rates which is why we recommend using only one connection at a time.


Spoofing on VPS is an important feature for penetration testers and security researchers because it allows them to test firewalls, network monitoring tools and other security solutions. Spoofing can also be used by individuals who wish to access blocked websites or remain anonymous during web browsing sessions.

Please note that enabling iptables spoofing on your VPS may not always allow you to connect to every service even if it’s enabled due to IP blacklisting which means users will need multiple spoofed IPs so they can bypass blacklist restrictions.

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