Cyber Security In The Workplace

Cyber Security In The Workplace

Cyber Security In The Workplace

In today’s business world, cyber security is a priority. In fact, according to the Ponemon Institute, companies that have highly effective cyber security programs in place are experiencing an average of $1 million less in annualized costs than those with ineffective ones. The benefits don’t stop there: improved customer satisfaction and higher brand equity can also be achieved by implementing appropriate solutions for your company’s needs, whether IT infrastructure or mobile devices.

Simply put, it is the protection of your company’s information devices—from computers to mobile devices. Cyber security has become more critical than ever with the increasing prevalence of malware attacks that highly effectively steal your sensitive business data. 

These attacks often come in viruses and other malware that can be transmitted through phishing emails, websites, or downloaded files.

Why Should We Care About It In The Workplace?

The dangers of cyber security breaches are genuine for companies in the financial, retail and healthcare industries. Without proper measures to protect their sensitive data—including credit card information, patient records or legal secrets that could be used against them by competitors–the risks can put these businesses at significant risk.

Employees are also at risk. With more than half of them now using their own devices for work purposes, they must understand how cyber security practices can help protect both the company and themselves from risks like malware attacks or identity theft.

Different Types Of Cyber Attacks

Many types of cyberattacks exist today. The most common ones include,

  • Spamming (unsolicited email)
  • Phishing; where you can’t tell if a message is from the government, your bank or even an old friend—and they all want to take advantage of you in some way;
  • Malware/viruses such as ransomware lock down data and hold it for ransom until the target pays up. Spyware, while not technically considered malware, has similar functionality for stealing private information like usernames and passwords. Attackers can also use it to monitor user activities online.

How Should We Protect Ourselves?

There are several ways companies can combat these threats

  • Employee Education And Training: Teach employees what to look out for and how they can protect themselves.
  • Password Protection: Require them to set strong passwords that include a mix of letters, numbers and symbols; require regular changes; limit the number of failed log-in attempts before locking them out; etc.
  • Security Software Solutions: Implement antivirus/firewall protections on all devices (laptops, PCs & mobile phones).
  • Monitoring User Activities Online: This includes keeping track of websites visited and internet downloads—anything that might be suspicious should be reported immediately.
  • Sending Malware To A Lab: To identify the type of threat you’re dealing with, send it to an expert for analysis—this will help determine if any additional measures need to be taken.

Why Do Employees Need To Be Aware Of What They’re Doing On Their Work Computers?

Employees are one of the biggest cyber security risks companies face. The reason? They’re usually not aware that their behaviour on work computers is putting your company at risk—and themselves, too.

Here are some ways employees can inadvertently introduce malware into a network:

  • Opening email attachments they shouldn’t;
  • Visiting websites with known vulnerabilities;
  • Downloading files from untrusted sources or clicking links in emails or social media messages without knowing where it will take them.

Ways for Companies to Prepare Themselves Before an Attack Occurs

Even with the best training and antivirus software in place, you can’t guarantee your company will never be hit. That’s why it’s essential to prepare yourself for when a cyber-attack does occur:

Create An Incident Response Team

This should include IT staff as well as legal representatives; if there is any chance of financial fraud or identity theft due to the breach, this team needs to work together quickly and strategically determine what measures need to be taken immediately (e.g., notifying customers & clients); contacting credit agencies; taking down website content that could endanger others).

Have a Business Continuity Plan In Place 

So employees know exactly who they need to contact when something goes wrong at work–be sure everyone has strong passwords that are different from those used for personal accounts.

Backup Data Regularly 

To prevent any potential loss of information due to the attack—if your servers are down, you can still recover what was on there before the attack occurred.

Tips For Staying Safe Online

  1. Never open email attachments from unknown or untrusted sources.
  2. Use strong, unique passwords for every online account you have.
  3. Be very careful when downloading files–even if they come from a trusted source. If possible, verify the file before opening it to ensure its contents are what you expect them to be (i.e., not hiding malware in an innocuous-looking document).
  4. Read and understand privacy policies, so you know how your data is being used by companies/services you use—if something isn’t clear about their security practices or terms of service, don’t sign up! You can also check out reviews by other users who may have had similar experiences and search on social media for complaints from customers about a company’s security practices.
  5. Be aware of what information you’re sharing online—if it’s not necessary, don’t post it.
  6. If you must, avoid using public Wi-Fi. Ensure the network is password protected (and that it uses WPA or WPA 128 bit encryption).
  7. When possible, use a secure browser that will keep your internet activities safe & encrypted (e.g., Chrome with the “Secure Browsing” setting turned on).


As cyber security threats continue to grow exponentially year after year, it’s more important than ever for companies and employees alike to be aware of how they work to stay ahead of hackers who prey on vulnerable organizations. With a bit of knowledge and preparation, you can help ensure your business stays safe even when other businesses fall victim–and avoid putting yourself at risk by being careless online or sharing sensitive company info with others outside the organization without knowing if they have good intentions or not.

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