Cloudflare Firewall Rule: Overview

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Cloudflare Firewall Rule: Overview

Cloudflare is known for its security and performance-enhancing features. With Cloudflare, you can block hacking attempts and even keep your website online when other services go down. One of the newest features that Cloudflare offers is a firewall rule that allows you to protect certain pages on your site from being accessed by specific visitors or devices. If you want to learn more about this feature, read our blog post!

What are Cloudflare Firewall Rules?

One of the newest features that Cloudflare offers is a firewall rule, which allows you to block specific visitors or devices from reaching certain pages on your site. 

For example, if you are working on a new website that will soon be released to the public but want to keep it hidden from certain people or devices for testing purposes, Cloudflare firewall rules can help. Or perhaps your web application is under development and you need to limit access so only specific users have access until the site goes live.

With this feature enabled, all traffic will still pass through Cloudflare servers first before being sent over to your server. It’s important to note that these settings do not affect any other pages besides those with custom security exceptions added via the Firewall app in your control panel. If there are no additional security features applied then anyone who knows how could bypass them easily enough by just entering an IP directly into their browser.

How do Firewall Rules Work?

When you add a new rule under your Cloudflare Firewall settings, the page that visitors would have requested will be blocked by default. This can be changed so that when someone tries to visit this page, they are redirected to another website instead of being completely blocked from accessing it. You could direct them to an error message or even another webpage on your site.

You can apply multiple firewall rules at once using the same website, addon domain, or subdomain. If you need to make exceptions for specific requests then use page rules instead of adding them directly to your security settings under the Firewall. 

A page rule will allow only certain visitors (based on their IP) that are allowed access and all other traffic will be blocked whereas a Cloudflare Firewalls rule is applied across the board for any visitor who tries to reach these pages from an unauthorized source.

With this new feature from Cloudflare, it’s easier than ever before to protect your site from various threats without having too much technical knowledge about how internet security works. Just sign up with Cloudflare if you don’t have an account already and enable their free firewall rules. Then add the domains you want to protect and save your settings.

How do I Add a Firewall Rule?

To add a firewall rule, log into your Cloudflare account and click on the Firewall app. Underneath the ‘Firewalls’ section at the top of this page will be an option to create new rules or select existing ones that you have already created. After clicking either of these options, there are different ways in which you can apply security settings depending on what it is you need them for.

You can choose from three different types of rules under this menu:

  • Whitelist – only allow traffic coming directly from specific IP addresses
  • Blacklist – block all users except those with certain IPs
  • Custom Rules – allows you to set up custom exceptions by creating pages with their security features added via Cloudflare’s Page Rules feature.

If you need to block specific visitors, you would choose the first option and then fill out a form that asks for several details about your rule.

The last step is choosing which pages on your website this rule will be applied to by selecting them from one of three options:

  • Entire Site – all requests made to any page on your site are affected
  • Page Rules – only requests with URLs matching certain patterns (like user-agents or IPs)
  • Addon Domains & Subdomains – only affects specific subdomains or addon domains on your primary site

What Are Some Advantages Of Cloudflare Firewall Rules?

There are a few types of threats that can be minimized with the help of these features and some good examples include:

Brute Force Attacks 

Many bots will attempt to guess your login information to gain access to your site. This is why you need to have added security measures on any pages where users need to log into their accounts or enter protected data. 

If someone tries too many incorrect passwords, they won’t be allowed onto the page under this feature so there isn’t any risk involved for them if this happens frequently.

Password Resets And Account Recovery 

When users forget their password or want another one reset, then they usually get sent an email asking them how they would like to proceed. If the link in this email is used by someone who didn’t request it, then they will be unable to complete their password reset process because Cloudflare Firewall rules are triggered and block them before they can enter any data into your site’s login form.

DDoS Attacks 

With the help of Cloudflare DNS Security, your website will be safe from any DDoS attack. These types of attacks could cause a lot of damage if you weren’t prepared with all the right security measures in place so that when visitors try to access one or more pages on your website, everything runs smoothly without being interrupted at all under normal circumstances. 

With firewall rules active, there won’t be any compromises made for anyone trying too hard to overload certain web requests beyond what would normally be expected from regular traffic flows throughout the day. To learn more about how Cloudflare DNS can protect your website from DDoS attacks, visit the link. [Cloudflare DNS Security (Overview) article link attach here]

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I know if my Firewall is active?

A. If you aren’t sure whether or not your firewall rules are turned on, then the only way to check this is by logging into your Cloudflare account. With all of these rules in place, it’s an essential part of basic security measures that every website owner needs to familiarize themselves with so they can understand how their site works and what types of risks could be involved without them. 

Q. How do I use Custom Rules for my site?

A. If you’re looking to add your custom exceptions onto any pages where passwords or other sensitive information is entered into a form field (like login forms), then this is the best way to go about protecting yourself from any type of potential threats before they become problems further down the line. 

You’ll need to be aware of the unique URLs your site uses for specific pages so that you can enter them into Cloudflare’s page rules interface.

Q. What is a rule with “anyone in an unprotected region”? What does this mean?

A. The last option when choosing which pages on your website are protected under firewall rules says anything without protection, meaning if someone tries to visit any page where there aren’t additional security measures like password requirements or code encryption (which prevents bots from gaining access), then they will be unable to proceed further onto these sites because Cloudflare Firewall Rules block all requests coming through until it gets figured out who exactly made the request and why their IP address was blocked. 

This feature is basically against anyone trying too hard to gain access to your site outside of the main URL that’s used for general access.

Q. Can I use Firewall Rules for my mobile site?

A. The only way to ensure that your mobile website is also covered by Cloudflare’s firewall rules is if you have a Dedicated IP Address. Otherwise, there will be no extra protections added on top of what you already have in place as they’ll apply mainly towards any requests coming through from web browsers rather than applications like smartphones and tablets (which usually don’t need all this additional security). 

This means it’ll take more time before someone can gain access to sensitive pages or data even if the main URL was exposed by mistake because it could’ve been blocked automatically under these circumstances without anything getting compromised at all!


Cloudflare is an internet security service that can be used to protect websites from hackers and other threats. Cloudflare rule allows you to block specific visitors or devices from reaching certain pages on your site. 

The best thing about Cloudflare Firewalls is that they’re easy for anyone who doesn’t have a lot of computer science knowledge but still needs these protections put in place – even if you don’t have any coding skills at all!

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