DNS server is something everyone who is interested in computer software systems or a professional is aware of. But have you heard of CNAME DNS? CNAME stands for Canonical Name Record. It is a type...

What Is A Perimeter Network?

You may have heard about perimeter networks but might have got it wrong or didn’t understand it correctly. Don’t worry, that is why you are here. We’ve got you covered. A perimeter network...

How To Partition A USB?

Are you trying to partition a USB but not succeeding? Then this article is definitely for you as we have all the ways you can do it properly.   When partitioning your USB, you need to...

How To Partition A New SSD?

SSDs are much more expensive than traditional HDDs (hard disk drives), but they also have many advantages that make them worth the cost. One of those benefits is speed. An SSD can access files up...

What Is Private DNS?

When using Private DNS, the ISP (Internet Service Provider) and the general public will only see that you are visiting a Private DNS website. They cannot tell what websites or services you're...

What Is DNS Spoofing?

Though the DNS server is robust, the attacker may reach your system anyways. These attacks are difficult to identify because the original destination site address in a browser's address bar remains...